Monday, August 09, 2010

Love in Action.......from small seeds.......

                                   " Why do you care for these children?"

   A question often asked of our friend in the Yongning/Nanning community where she works, dedicating her time to caring for our very special children, like this precious soul, Lily,  thro New Hope for Special children.

                                                             China is changing so fast.......

Thankfully today fewer babies are being placed in orphanages. Many orphans are now being adopted by families in China. However there are still so many, many children living in orphanages who need the love of a family, and many, many of them with special needs.

While it has "officially" become easier/more acceptable for families in China to adopt ( informal adoptions have always taken place), there is still not wide acceptance of the needs and intrinsic value of children with varying special needs.

Our dream, starting last year with the small seed of New Hope4China's Special Children, is that communities will see the difference that can be made in our children's lives with lots of love and individual therapies and excercises which can change their lives!
They will see the love that these children can bring to their lives too!

It has been wonderful this week to share the latest updates on New Hope's children...
for many children, huge advances....
for some of the children, still great need...
but ALL are being loved, cared for by familes thro Grace-Hope and Hope4China
and given extra therapy thro New Hope.

I LOVE this photo!!!!!!!!!!!

Bertha is blind and at the moment unable to walk or talk, and would have faced an intolerable life in an institution, but here she is enfolded in love.

The body language of this close cuddle is worth sent tingles up my spine!

                                    All of these photos mean so much and tell their own story.....

the determination to succeed.......
..the love and the hard work to bring improvements......

the sheer joy of learning for this bright little spark :-)


...Team Effort ...and with a smile :-)
and our gorgeous Patricia in her own special chair.

I think the answer to the question above is quite clear?

We LOVE them because they are LOVELY!!!!

It is a small start, but already people in the community around are becoming more aware of the needs of these children, AND the hope and possibility of caring for them at home, seeing  great improvements in their quality of life.
We hope that this will encourage more women to foster children with special needs, making it possible for them to leave the orphanages and live in the community with support, and even for local families to care for their own children born with such needs..

We are so appreciative of the team  who are working to make this possible...... from Helen working in China alongside Angel House staff, to our team of experts back home providing advice, Dunfermline Rotary, St Nicholas' Sunday School, Desheng Families and many more friends around the world who provide the backing and finance necessary.

We are busy preparing for our trip in October to meet these special children and their foster families where Shawn, an adoptive mum who is also a Neuro Developmental Delay Therapist  will bring her special skills to train Helen, the foster mums, and new staff and offer new hope for our children.

Next year, we hope to expand this work to other areas to employ more staff to help more children...and change perceptions, one child at a time.

Please, please if you can, help us to make this possible?

If you would like to be involved and help change these children's lives, you can make a one-off donation via the Paypal button at the top of the page and mark it for New Hope.

Or if you would  like to make a regular donation, involve a community group or business, please email us at
We would be happy to set up a link and share these special reports with you.

Giving Hope............we cannot do it without you,,,,,,,,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Almost speachless!
Amazed as always at the work being done by you wonderful people for these special children.