It astounded me to work out the other day that we now have over 90 sponsors, many friends who help & several schools who work together to help these precious children. WOW!!!!!!
It occurred to me that in a week I share some wonderful stories about what sponsors do, experiences of how children are helped & many more bits of news which warm my heart.
I am able to share with some, but I thought why not more....
This is a Team Effort and as such I want to be able to share the news more effectively. I have been trying to do this on our Hope4China Blog, but guess that not all our sponsors will read this.
So, we have started a new Yahoo group for all sponsors and friends of Hope4China'sChildren. I hope that all who are part of our work will join, get to know each other, see collectively what a difference we can make and be able to work together even more effectively to make a difference!
We are mainly a group of UK & European friends, but we work closely with US friends and Chinese friends through Grace-Hope and GGEF . My friend, Cindy from Andover, USA, and I also work closely together to help met the needs of so many children thro these organisations.
We are in effect a World-Wide Team which I am proud to be a part of :-)
This is what life is all about!!!!!
So friends & sponsors - make sure you have joined
so that we can move forward together........

Activity within 7 days:
15 New Members - 15 New Messages - 1 New Photo - New Questions
This is a group for Friends & Sponsors of Hope4China's Children.Hope4China was set up in 2005 in response to the needs we discovered while adopting our daughter from Guangxi province.It has grown and developed over the years due to the wonderful support & generosity of our friends & sponsors. Many people have asked how we started this and the answer is - we don't really just happened! We now support around 150 children in Foster care and Education and help to meet the medical, social needs of many others. We have returned to China each year and have seen the difference this makes to so many lives.We wish to share more of what we have experienced with you all, as none of it could happen without you.Through this group, we hope that we can work together more effectively to communicate, raise funds, share ideas & meet the needs of so many precious children in China.
We are part of a team!
TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More!
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