It has been almost 4 years since Hope4China'sChildren began as a little seed...............
Little did we know how it would grow!!!!!
At last we have our Logo, courtesy of two wonderful young girls in the US, Michela & Alexis of SendingLoveChina.
I am so thankful to them for helping us to create a logo which finally expresses our Hope & Love for China'sChildren. We hope you will visit their website www.sendingourlovechina.org and see the wonderful work they do to help China's children!

Here they are with their lovely sisters from China.
And we now have our Website/...after years of me saying.. "We need a website" & getting nowhere, I got in touch with Marcia of Magnolia dolls http://www.magnoliaandfriends.com/ .
TWO YEARS later, I got round to replying to her email:-)))))))).
Just ONE WEEK later after getting in touch with Marcia's brother Jon........
.......we had our Website! http://www.hope4china.info/
He is a man who gets things done & has amazing patience with crazy ladies who say - lines too thin , wrong colour, more of this & more of that, can you add this...and take out these crazy American/ OK, Canadian words:))))( he even added some Scottish!) ...and still smiles!
I just LOVE the result! - it is bright, colourful, child centred - shows the needs we encountered, but also the pride and dignity of some of the wonderful Chinese children we have been privileged to meet.
If you need a Website - he is your man! jon@bizlatino.biz

Eilidh with her friend, Magnolia
Magnolia came to us as a gift from an unknown "friend of a friend" when we adopted our first daughter from China in 2004. We loved her, & in turn gave her as a gift to our daughter's SWI friends and she soon became part of our lives!
Soon Hope4China will be setting up a Magnolia shop linked to the website - more later....
It only remains to say... Thank you ...to the wonderful group of Sponsors who are friends & have become friends over the years who have made all of this possible...changing the lives of so many precious children in China.
Also to our wonderful friends & co-workers in China in Grace & Hope and GGEF
Without you, none of this would be here!!!!!!!!
( But my house might be a bit cleaner & tidier:-))))
Now I have a backlog of years of photos & wonderful experiences in China, many wonderful moments with sponsors raising money & relationships being built up in China... to add to the blog...
Watch this space
Linda :-)